Everything you need to know about ordering from Reban Farms

Ok so you’ve made the decision to buy wholesome, local beef from Reban Farms in Petrofka. We thank you for being a customer and can assure you that our product is second to none and our customer service is pretty darn good too!


FAQ: What Is The Amount of Freezer Beef Expected From a Carcass?

An average beef animal weighs about 1200 (± 250) pounds and has a hanging hot carcass weight (HCW) of about 750 (± 200) pounds. In general, freezer beef is sold using HCW as the basis. Hot carcass weight represents about 63 (± 2) percent of live weight (dressing percent) and is affected by the length of time an animal is away from feed and water, amount of muscling, distance transported, and amount of finish.

Hot carcass weight does not include the tongue, liver, or oxtail since they are removed from the carcass during the harvesting process. Carcass sides are nearly equal in weight and they each represent approximately 50% of the HCW. When a carcass side is split into carcass quarters, the forequarter represents approximately 55% of the hot carcass side weight, while the hindquarter represent approximately 45%. A split-side or quarter is approximately 50% of the hot carcass side weight.

Within the first 48 hours following harvest, carcasses typically shrink 1 to 2 percent. This carcass shrink (decrease in weight) is due to moisture loss and can be affected by amount of fat cover on the carcass, as well as cooler temperature and humidity. During the 14 day dry-aging process (carcasses hanging in the cooler before cutting and packaging), the carcass will shrink a total of 4 to 6 percent from the original HCW. Additional moisture and trimming losses can be expected as carcasses are broken down into retail cuts and ground beef. Specific cutting instructions (boneless vs. bone-in; 90 vs. 80% lean ground beef; roasts vs. ground beef; use of flank steaks and brisket vs ground beef; etc.) will affect both the amount of beef product (retail yield) and type of cuts placed into packages.

A general rule of thumb for carcass beef is 25% bone and trim loss, 25% steaks, 25% roasts, and 25% ground beef.

The type of cattle, as well as cutting and trimming procedures, can have a dramatic affect on retail yield. When fat and bone are removed, the weight of take home product from a carcass decreases. Also, you can choose the mix of cuts you have in your order, this is determined when the butcher calls you, so this will also affect the $price per lb. 

The packaged beef take home weight is approximately 40 percent of the animal’s live weight, or approximately 75 percent of the Hot Carcass Weight (HCW).

Product Details:

🐮Whole Cow

  • Approximately 640lbs of meat ( HCW) 
  • Fits into 20 cubic feet of freezer space

🐮Half Cow

  • Approximately 320lbs of meat ( HCW)
  • Fits into 10 cubic feet of freezer space

🐮Quarter Cow

  • Approximately 160lbs of meat ( HCW)
  • Fits into 5 cubic feet of freezer space

Important Details:


🐮We typically have three orders/deliveries per year. One in January, one in spring and one in the late fall.

🐮All weights are approximate as no two animals are the same.

🐮All weights are based off of carcass weight.

🐮All orders come as 1/3 roasts, 1/3 steaks (standard 1 inch steaks), and 1/3 hamburger. HOWEVER, this can be customized at no additional cost to you, including the thickness of the steak.

🐮All orders come boxed and frozen, ready to place in your freezer!

🐮A $100 deposit is required to join the order waiting list to guarantee all orders (payable by cheque or e-transfer).

🐮Delivery is free to Saskatoon and surrounding North towns including: Martensville, Warmen, Dalmeny, Osler, Laird, Langham, Rosthern, Blaine Lake, Marcelin, Leask, Shellbrook, and Parkside.



So, what are you waiting for??? PLACE YOUR ORDER HERE

Reban Farms – Wholesome, Local Beef